The Final Sort: Socks and Tights and Bras, Oh My
We’re more than halfway through the Cure (Assignment #6, so only 4 more to go, woo) and today is your final day of sorting (can I get an amen?). You’ve already done the heavy lifting when it comes to paring down, and I tried to save the fastest, easiest-to-sort stuff for last; the things that are often easiest to let go of and to replace: lingerie/underwear, workout wear, pjs, socks and tights.
Be ruthless! Don’t hang on to things that are stained, torn, holey, stretched out, worn out or anything other than in good shape and comfortable in these categories. Don’t keep things that don’t fit properly. Don’t keep things that make you feel hot, cold, itchy, lumpy or blah.
For this particular group of items, I’m guessing most non-keepers will go to the rag bag rather than the donation bag, so make sure you have that handy before you begin. Just pull all the stuff out of your closet and drawers, and power through.
Less is definitely more in these categories, but you do want to aim to have enough. You should plan on correcting the amounts by replacing things that you no longer have enough of to make it through to laundry day. Make note of anything you are too low on after the sort so you can prioritize getting back up to comfortable levels soon – I don’t want you to have to do wash constantly!
You know the drill by now, knock it out today and then celebrate the end of the sort stage of your Closet Cure in the comment thread with an update. I know you can do this – good luck and best wishes for speedy sorting!
Next up: the maybes!
Previous Assignments & Decision Tree printable pdf:
- Assignment #1: Bags, Boxes & Big Plans: Getting Ready to Get Organized
- Assignment #2: Slimming Down Your Sweater Collection
- Assignment #3: The Big, Bad Clothes Sorting Weekend
- Assignment #4: A Chance to Catch Up and Drop Off the Dry Cleaning
- Assignment #5: Stay Strong: Sorting Shoes & Bags
- Cure Decision Tree PDF