The One Thing You Have to Do Before Buying Any Storage Container
It’s happened to all of us — that powerful urge to run to Target and buy all the storage containers to corral all that mess. But there’s something you MUST do — every single time, before you buy any storage container, ever.
One of the biggest mistakes we make when we try to bring order into our environments is spending time organizing things we don’t actually need — and, quite frankly, don’t even want! This is otherwise known as “putting junk in pretty containers to hide it and patting ourselves on the back for cleaning up.”
This is folly.
It’s a pretty well-known organizing adage that you need to know what you’re putting in a container before you buy one. But I’d push that further and say that it behooves us all to know whether we should even keep and store what we’re buying that container for. Rather than putting our things in containers that, sure, might be easier on the eyes than outright clutter, and looking for more and more clever ways to eke out every sliver of storage we can, we must evaluate — stringently — what it is we’re keeping and storing.
Many times, purging curtails those containerizing binges, leaving us with a space that breathes. Ahhh….