Here’s What “The Simpsons” Would Look Like In a Wes Anderson Film

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Olivia Harvey
Olivia Harvey
Olivia Harvey is a freelance writer and award-winning scriptwriter from outside Boston, Massachusetts. She’s a big fan of scented candles, getting dressed up, and the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightley. You can make sure she’s doing okay via…read more
updated Oct 26, 2020
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Credit: Courtesy of Fox Broadcasting

Here’s a Hollywood aesthetic you probably never thought would come to fruition: “The Simpsons”-meets-Wes Anderson. But oddly enough, as HomeAdvisor proved in a recent blog post, the two design aesthetics are more similar than you might initially think.

The digital marketplace set out to paint the home of Marge and Homer in the style of Anderson just to see how the two styles might be similar, and the results were pink, retro, and surprisingly cool. As it is, the Simpson family home is a menagerie of pastel pinks and purples matched with bold oranges, greens, and blues, which can be seen in the sets of Anderson’s “Moonrise Kingdom,” “Grand Budapest Hotel,” and “The Royal Tenenbaums.”

Credit: HomeAdvisor

The HomeAdvisor designers took six sets seen on the animated series: the Simpsons’ living room and kitchen, Lisa Simpson’s bedroom, Homer Simpson’s power plant workstation, Moe’s Tavern, and Mr. Burns’ office. For the living room, they took note from the Tenenbaums and “filled the gaps with even more art,” as the blog read. “The weirder, kitsch-er, and more cramped your selection, the better.”

Credit: HomeAdvisor

The kitchen got painted pink—“Fondant Fancy Pink” to be exact—to match the shade used in Anderson’s “Grand Budapest Hotel.” “Reducing the number of colors in play instantly makes ‘random’ details like the vintage telephone look intentional and stylish,” HomeAdvisor wrote.

Credit: HomeAdvisor

And Lisa’s bedroom also got the indie treatment, with bold-printed damask wallpaper and matching bedding. As HomeAdvisor said, “A wealth of clashing textures and patterns provides Lisa the constant stream of inspiration she requires.”

You can check other “The Simpson” redesigns over on the HomeAdvisor website. Although this pairing of styles and aesthetics is one that you wouldn’t think works, somehow, some way, it absolutely does.