These 3D Printed Vases Upgrade Plastic Bottles to Art
When sustainability and style come together to create a single product, the results can be visually stunning, as is the case with these 3D printed water bottle vases by Italian designer Libero Rutilo. The elegant series of flower vases creatively accentuates soft drink and water bottles by artfully encasing them in a geometric mesh material.
If you’re into upcycling ideas to enhance your home decor, these fancy floral receptacles offer a rather cool alternative to traditional vases.
Featuring four different styles, the bottle-hugging creations simply screw onto the cap of the container, allowing the intricate mesh designs to take your average reused bottle from blah to beautiful enough to hold every bloom in any given room in your house.
The lovely “Lace” vase resembles a chic strapless evening gown, while the “Sinuous” style upgrades the bottle with a uniquely porous look. Rutilo’s “Spider” vase is a structured web widely woven around the bottle. Meanwhile, the detailed aesthetic of the “Knitted” design gorgeously enhances the bottle, producing a great knitting pattern for the home from a most unlikely source.
Of his eco-conscious home accessories, Rutilo tells Designboom, “Of course, you will not clean the planet by recycling just one bottle,” adding, “but if you have a chance to reuse one and turn it into a design object, it can be a first step towards an environmentally friendly lifestyle.”