This Fluffy Robot Duster Could Also Entertain Your Cat
Unless you’re a certified germaphobe, you’ve likely dropped the ball on doing housework at one point or another. This furry robot cleaning ball will allow you to keep your hands and floors clean while it does the dirty job of dust busting.
As robotic cleaning options go, the multi-functionality and quirky appearance of the Mocoro Robot Cleaning Ball put it a step above the rest. First of all, it’s covered in fluffy, hot pink microfibers (which is enough to sell us on it, to be quite honest). In addition to grabbing our attention, the eye-catching material works as a dust magnet that attracts dirt and pet hair on tile and hardwood floors.
The cleaning ball will automatically shift directions if it runs into an obstacle such as a wall or a staircase. The user can simply tap the ball with a foot to get it up and cleaning again. And as the trained eye of a pet owner will attest, it could also work wonders as a cat toy.
Another plus about the Mocoro Robot Cleaning Ball is that it appears to be pretty low-maintenance. The cleaning apparatus runs off of 4 AA batteries, and the microfiber covering can be removed and either washed by hand or tossed in the washing machine.
Compared to other smart vacuums, the Mocoro Robot Cleaning Ball is super reasonably priced. Firebox currently has it available for $39.19 (where you can also see it in action—though maybe watch the video on mute if you’re not a fan of dubstep).
The only issue we could see is kids maybe mistaking it for a pink pom pom, or having to fight to get it out of your cat’s claws. Other than that, it’s a pretty cool cleaning option for those of us who don’t mind sitting back while someone (or something) else cleans up the mess.
h/t Mashable