This Must Be The Place: 11 House Number DIY Ideas
How often do you get to combine an absolutely necessary home improvement—making your address visible to emergency services—with a celebration of fonts? Create an eye-catching set of house numbers with one of these 11 fantastic DIYs.
Speaking of scrap wood! Put all those paint stirrers that seem to multiply to good use by painting and staining them in the color combo of your dreams.
I love these! My driveway is 1/4mile and it would be hilarious to make numbers so big they could be read from the road.
If you love the look of cement but aren’t ready/able to commit to the monoliths above, dive into this thorough tutorial for crafting reasonably sized numbers. It will make you want to make everything out of cement board!
This is another sweet scrap wood project, spiced up with those little planter boxes you can often find at dollar stores or similar.
Instead of adding a planter to your house numbers, add your address to a planter! DIY Network has a very thorough tutorial.
Sure, we’d all love to paint our house with buttermilk so we can grow real moss house numbers, but will we? This project uses dried moss hot-glued to wooden numbers, no misting required.
This project, which cleverly uses screws, was created by brydanger, but I chose a photo of the version commenter amikolajczyk was inspired to make. They also advised, “I’ll warn everyone, stainless steel screws are not cheap. I found them at a surplus discounter for $10/lb for #12 1.5″ screws,” and the comments are full of helpful tips for creating fonts and layout.
A beautiful piece of wood and sparkly string lights—this project is made of all the best things in the world.
Ooh, so classy. I love the brass numbers from Lowe’s that they used, though depending how long your address is, $16/number could add up quickly.
This one simply requires stencils, paint, and the possession of a stoop!
Finally, here’s a DIY for the apartment dwellers (though some of the previous projects could possibly be adapted for apartments, especially if you have a relaxed landlord). All you need is paint and some pretty vinyl numbers.