This Scottish Island is Worth Nearly $2 Million, But You Can Win it For Way Less
How many times have you found yourself daydreaming about jet-setting away to your own private island utopia? If you’ve lost count, one number you won’t have a hard time keeping track of is the insanely low cost of this Scottish island resort. The owners of the seven-acre resort are willing to let some lucky person take the property off their hands for—brace yourselves—$75.
While it sounds like a Black Friday sale from heaven, the spacious Balmichael Centre resort on the isle of Arran is actually being raffled off (non-U.K. residents may also participate), and the proceeds will go to Boots on the Ground, a global non-profit organization dedicated to disaster relief efforts. The owners were inspired to take the charitable approach after learning about another couple who raffled off their island in Micronesia for $49.
Winning an island for less than the cost of an outdoor garden project is obviously the deal of a lifetime, and all of the extras that come with this property make the package that much sweeter. Balmichael Centre is valued at $1.89 million and includes a home with a beach view, a coffee shop, a gym, an ice rink, a movie theater that seats 42, retail space, and for the thrill-seeker, a 50-foot, bungee-like contraption that the site refers to as a “Climby-Jumpy-Thingy.”
So, by now, you’ve probably hired a moving company and priced one-way tickets to Scotland, but since the raffle winner won’t be announced until June 2017, feel free to hold off on packing until at least after the new year arrives.
h/t Curbed