New York Botanical Garden Is Offering Online Gardening Classes So You Can Grow Your Own Vegetables at Home
Spring is in full bloom, and while you’re hunkering down at home, what better time to start growing a vegetable garden than right now? If you have no idea where to start, great news: the New York Botanical Garden is holding gardening classes this week and beyond.
NYBG just announced that while the Garden remains closed, they’ll be offering online classes throughout the summer that aims keep their community connected and engaged. And the first available virtual courses, Super Small Space Veggie Gardening and Vegetable Garden, will help anyone interested in growing their own food to get a solid start—no matter what space they live in.
First is the small space gardening course, comprised of three-hour sessions that kicks off at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28. Like the name suggests, this class is geared toward those who have a limited amount of space to work with. “Discover the best practices for successful small-space gardening from soil preparation to container selection and bed design, crop choices, and tips for high-yield results,” the course description reads. The class “meets” for three Tuesdays in a row, with the final class on Tuesday, May 12.
The Vegetable Garden course begins the next day on Wednesday, April 29, which focuses on pre-planting procedures that will set your garden up for success. Students will “study the timing and techniques of planting, pest management, and harvest and post-harvest handling,” according to the website, and survey a variety of heirloom varieties, new cultivars, and classic selections. This course is six weeks long and each class runs from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m., with the final session happening on Wednesday, June 3.
And there are many more upcoming courses where that came from, too. In May, you can learn how to ferment vegetables and arrange flowers at home, and even gain knowledge on the science behind tree communication (yep, we’re curious, too). In July, there are intensive programs on gardening, floral design, and botanical drawing that you can sign up for.
Check out additional details like pricing, which varies by class, on NYBG’s adult education page here.