These Are the Weirdest Town Names In Each U.S. State
Did you grow up thinking your hometown was kind of boring? Or maybe you thought the name was silly and hated it? Well, at least you didn’t grow up in a town that is literally named Boring. That’s right, Boring is a town name in the state of Oregon. Can you imagine telling people that is your hometown?
Thanks to Estately, we now know some of the weirdest named towns in the U.S. Estately is a national real estate company. Not only does Estately have online real estate listings for 39 states they also collect research and data on internet trends per state and more. Recently, they compiled the list of the “Most Oddly-Named Towns in Each U.S. State.”
The inspiration behind the list was that Estately wanted to pay homage to America’s most unusually named cities, towns, and unincorporated communities. They scoured dozens of maps to find the strangest cities and towns of them all. We all turned into 12-year-olds again when we saw the town name Booger Hole. Who on earth thought that one up? Volcano, Hawaii at least makes sense, though it isn’t the most creative town name. We wonder if Nev and Max from MTV have heard of Catfish Paradise, Arizona yet?
Check out Estately’s complete list below to find the most unusually-named towns in each U.S. state:
Alabama: Scratch Ankle
Alaska: Chicken
Arizona: Catfish Paradise
Arkansas: Toad Suck
California: Mormon Bar
Colorado: Parachute
Connecticut: Moosup
Delaware: Flea Hill
Florida: Spuds
Georgia: Flippen
Hawaii: Volcano
Idaho: Beer Bottle Crossing
Illinois: Chicken Bristle
Indiana: Santa Claus
Iowa: What Cheer
Kansas: Skiddy
Kentucky: Pig
Louisiana: Water Proof
Maine: Bald Head
Maryland: Accident
Massachusetts: Satan’s Kingdom
Michigan: Free Soil
Minnesota: Little Canada
Mississippi: Possumneck
Missouri: Frankenstein
Montana: Big Sag
Nebraska: Worms
Nevada: Jackpot
New Hampshire: Dummer
New Jersey: Foul Rift
New Mexico: Pie Town
New York: Handsome Eddy
North Carolina: Why Not
North Dakota: Zap
Ohio: Dull
Oklahoma: Okay
Oregon: Boring
Pennsylvania: Coupon
Rhode Island: Woonsocket
South Carolina: Coward
South Dakota: Plenty Bears
Tennessee: Smartt
Texas: Ding Dong
Utah: Nibley
Vermont: Mosquitoville
Virginia: Fries
Washington: Big Bottom
West Virginia: Booger Hole
Wisconsin: Chili
Wyoming: Chugwater
In their roundup, Estately included multiple town names per state. Though they didn’t make the map, you can see all of the weird names on their blog.
Honorable Mentions: Lazy Mountain, Alaska, Possum Grape, Arkansas, Bieber, California, Two Egg, Florida, Fertile, Iowa, Andy’s Place, Nevada, and Buttzville, New Jersey.