You’ve Got This: Goodbye Cure, Hello to Keeping Up the Good Work
I’m convinced that there truly is something magical about the start of a new year. It’s like a big shiny reset button, just waiting for us to hit it, which allows us all to feel free to start fresh and move our lives toward whatever we see as ideal. But, in reality, that mindset can be an everyday one. Each day of 2016 that you do something – anything – good for your home will bring you closer to your ultimate goal of having a clean, organized, beautiful home that you love and enjoy. So, stick with it!
Just take it one day at a time, little by little. You know how to do this. Remember how effective it is to clean and declutter just one drawer, how much you can actually get done in 30 (or even 3!) minutes and how great it feels when your floors are freshly scrubbed. You know that you can power through a bedroom or kitchen (inside or out!) or bathroom deep clean with an interesting podcast or fun playlist going in the background. Lighten up every now and then. Keep an eye on your list of projects that you’d like to accomplish and try and cross a few off this year. And, of course, don’t ever get rid of your outbox!
Thanks to the Cure, January has become one of my favorite months of the year. It’s so inspiring – really – to see how support and kindness can grow across huge distances and among people who may never meet, over a simple set of common assignments and a shared goal. As I’ve said before, it’s an amazing “pop-up” community that forms; one that I am very happy to be a part of. Thank you, sincerely, for another wonderful experience from my end!
And now, it’s time to hit pause on all the hard work…
Today’s Assignment:
• You’ve got your first full weekend off in a month – buy yourself some flowers, relax and celebrate!
For those of you hosting a Cure-end gathering, I hope it’s a wonderful way to wrap up this experience and that you and your fellow-gatherers have fun!
If you aren’t hosting, try to find time this weekend to make yourself a favorite meal or whatever else will make you happy and content at home.
Some of you said you wish the Cure was continuing, but part of it’s effectiveness is that it has a definite beginning and an end. It will be back, no worries (Spring Closet Cure, anyone?) and I hope you’ll all join me again!
But, in the meantime, Dabney, Apartment Therapy’s Projects Editor, is picking up our Weekend Projects program (sign up below). It can help keep everyone on the path of making their homes better, little by little, week after week. Each weekend, a new project assignment will be published (bright and early on Saturdays – with a special Friday early bird email send ). Just as with the Cure, there is no pressure to do them all – you’ll pick and choose what works best for you and your home, but you will have the energy boost of the motivating prompt and the group support in the comments, both of which really help in the task of making your home better, one small project at a time.
If you decide to join, the first 2016 Weekend Project email will hit your mailbox a week from today – I hope you’ll enjoy and keep up the good work!