4 Ways You're Ruining Your Wine Stash, According to
a Sommelier


Image Credit: Lauren Kolyn

You may inadvertently be ruining the wine you have in your pantry by storing it incorrectly in your home.

Image Credit: Lauren Kolyn

Here are four common wine-storage mistakes, plus two “do’s” that can help according to certified sommalier Chrisoula Papoutsakis.

Leave Your Wine in the Fridge for More Than
a Month


Image Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock

If you’re not planning to drink your wine within the month, find a storage space within your apartment that’s dry, stable and has minimal light. 

Store Your Wine Near a Heat Source


Image Credit: Joe Lingeman

An ideal storage temperature for wine is 70 degrees Fahrenheit or below. The higher the heat that wine is exposed to, the worse the effects will be.

Put Your Wine Near Any Sunlight


Image Credit: Viv Yapp

The sun’s UV rays can degrade and prematurely age wine, which is one of the reasons why winemakers use dark colored glass bottles. 

Image Credit: Liz Calka


Keep Your Wine Upright


If it’s for a short term (within the month), wine bottles can be placed upright, but for long term, the cork needs to have contact with the wine to sustain moisture.

Create A “Wine Cellar” Environment At Home


Image Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Have a basement? That’ll work. If not, even a dark, cool closet or drawer can do the trick.

Image Credit: Jacqueline Marque


Consider a Wine Fridge


If you’re spending more on bottles, then it might be worth spending more on ways to keep the wine as good as possible for as long as possible.