10 Inspiring Small Space Balcony Gardens

updated Jul 16, 2020
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(Image credit: Apartment Therapy)

A small balcony can be the best little hideaway as long as it isn’t just a forgotten chair and a dead plant or two. Yes even a really tiny outdoor space has the potential to be a refuge from the rest of the house, a place to start and end the day. Jump below for some of our favorites:

1. Sandras Little Balcony Nook
2. Small Balcony Idea: Line it With Fabric
3. A Growing Canopy Balcony
4. A Camouflaged Balcony
5. Tiny Tokyo Garden
6. Before and After: The Potted Balcony
7. MVW’s Sunday Morning Balcony
8. Alex and Matt’s Outdoor Living Room
9. Karamel’s Sunrise Sunset Balcony
10. Robin’s Mini Outdoor Balcony