In Partnership WithNational Association of REALTORS®

After Some Major DIY Work, a Young Family Finds Their Florida Dream Home

published Jun 4, 2019
Credit: Rosie Mendoza
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Dana wanted to create a space that was both practical and eclectic.

Name: Dana and Matthew, daughter Pia and pup Mac
Location: Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Size: 2,000 square feet
Years Lived In: 2 years

Buying a house, getting a puppy, having a baby, and doing a major kitchen renovation is a lot to take on in one year. A whole lot. Dana and Matthew did it, though, and now they can say that they’ve created their dream home. But as happy as they are to have it—and as quickly as it happened—this wasn’t the original plan.

The newly married couple had been living with Matthew’s mother in south Florida for a year when they decided to find a rental of their own. The search was both exhausting and fruitless since, they soon learned, much of the rental inventory in their part of Florida was set aside for those 55 and older. Dana and Matthew weren’t willing to wait that long.

Matthew vented the frustrations of a search with no end to his barber, and the barber offered that he had used a real estate agent, Tom, to find his home. Tom Malone—a member of the National Association of REALTORS®—knew he could help them find an apartment. When Dana and Matthew met with him, they were surprised by his frankness. Dana recalls that meeting where “he asked, ‘Well why aren’t you looking to buy a house?’ And we really had no reason.”

The couple thought they didn’t have enough money saved for a down payment, but Tom pointed them towards some loans they didn’t know about, designed specifically for first-time home buyers. He encouraged them to look at a few houses in their neighborhood, just to feel things out. “But,” says Dana, “two weeks into our search, we found our dream home.”

It was just as surprising when the seller accepted their original offer on the same day they made it. Dana remembers the mixed emotions of getting the news: “That was huge. We were so excited. But we couldn’t even fathom what happens next. So, we had our next big meeting with Tom where he laid out the purchase and sale agreement.”

The purchase and sale agreement comes after an offer is accepted. It’s a legally binding document that lays out the priced agreed upon by the buyer and seller and the terms of the sale. For Dana and Matthew, the sale was contingent on their appraisal, inspection, and being approved by the underwriter of their loan. Tom walked them through each step, and in due time—about a month and half, Dana specifies—everything was clear. It was also during this process that they wired “a big chunk of money” for their deposit. Matthew remembers that being “a blessing and a curse, but it was a good day.”

Their timing turned out to be perfect: Within a few months of moving in, they realized that they were expecting a girl. Between their closing in July and the end of that year, they managed to wrap up a complete renovation of their kitchen, a job that was almost totally DIY. (Matthew claims he was never handy before, and learned from Dana’s father and YouTube videos. We’re pretty impressed.) It all made for a lot of memories in a short amount of time, but one of their best remains their very first day in their new home, finally having a space of their own. “It was just the best feeling ever,” says Matthew. “Like, unforgettable.”

Apartment Therapy Survey

My home’s style: We love that open airy feel with a blend of farmhouse and industrial. We like to blend styles together so it’s not all one style.

Inspiration: Initially Chip & Joanna Gaines; they truly inspired my husband that he could demo anything! Emily Henderson also helps me hone my practicality with eclectic style.  

Favorite element of the home: 100% the open concept. Knocking those kitchen walls down was a game changer for our growing family. I can be in the kitchen cooking while having a conversation with Matthew in the living room all while keep our eyes on Pia playing.

Biggest challenge, and how you overcame it: When we were deep in our kitchen renovation we found out we were several months pregnant with our baby girl. That accelerated our completion date significantly as well as hindered me from helping much on the physical renovation. This also changed the design our kitchen with a baby in mind, we tried balancing style and functionality.

What friends say about your home: Our house is the best spot for parties… and “It’s so white!”

Biggest Embarrassment: Probably our master bedroom/ bath. It looks the exact same from when the previous owners lived in it, furniture and all. We know we want to do something bold in there, but have yet to pull the trigger.

Proudest DIY: Definitely the kitchen. We’ve done a lot of DIY’s in this house but the man couldn’t mount a TV on the wall when we first married but he managed to build me my dream kitchen.

Biggest indulgence: Our couch. We spent more on the one couch than we had the rest of our furniture when we moved in. It was worth it.. We spend lots of time on there, all three of us.

Best advice: Don’t rush. We tore down walls the second day we moved in and then we were eager to renovate and design every room right away. Your style evolves and changes.. It’s best to let it marinate and find your true homes character. Not what Pinterest shows you.

Dream Sources: McGee & Co, West Elm CB2



Entire house – BEHR Eggshell Ultra Pure White

Pia’s Chalk board Wall – Flat Black Chalkboard Paint

Living room:

Bird of Paradise Faux Plant (World Market)

Family/ Guest room:

Daybed – Friend from work

Floating Picture Frames


Pia’s Room:

Teepee tent sewed pompoms on the door flaps

Master Bedroom:

Thanks, Dana and Matthew!