Our TeamMiranda Raimon

Miranda Raimon

About Me

Miranda is a lifestyle and wellness writer with an appetite for wanderlust and a penchant for athleisure wear and black coffee. When she's not scouting new fitness trends or binge-watching reruns, you'll find her eating cheese with her French husband.

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Do You Dread Your Commute? Maximize it by Doing Something Smart (and Productive!)
For those of us who live far away from work, the daily commute can seem like wasted time. We usually fall into the trap of hopping on the bus and zoning out with Instagram or jumping in the car and listening to whatever talk radio has the least commercials. Instead of seeing your commute as a hindrance, learn to embrace the down time and dedicate those to-and-from trips to learning. We’ve compiled a few of our favorite ways to optimize the commute for increased productivity and creativity.
May 3, 2019
Healthy Travels: Ease Jet Lag With These Wellness Carry-ons
How many times have you booked a killer vacation, only to arrive at your destination after a miserable plane ride feeling exhausted, stiff and out of sorts? Just as you take care and consideration in packing your suitcase with the essentials, you can pimp your carry-on to include items to ease in-flight unrest and encourage a more pleasant travel experience. Don’t let a plane flight (and its aftereffects) be the worst part of the trip!
May 3, 2019
Of Sound Mind and Body: 6 Ways to Center Yourself When You’re Feeling Totally Burned Out
Rushing, stress and long to-do lists can make the holiday season turn hectic in a snap. From buying gifts, and planning parties to staying on budget and keeping a social life, it’s easy get burned out when you’re trying to do it all. When it feels like you’re working overtime around the clock, do you find yourself feeling stuck? We’re rounded up a few tips you should definitely try during the festive season when you just can’t even.
May 3, 2019
Wait! Don’t Pack That! 6 Things You Really Don’t Need on Vacation
As a travel lover (and chronic over-packer), I’ve researched and prepared for many trips—from weekend getaways to months abroad—only to get so frustrated with myself when I realize (usually mid-trip) that I definitely didn’t need to bring that third pair of heels. Here are six things to ditch while packing for your trip. Think of it as the Kon-Mari method for your suitcase.
Sep 22, 2016