Our TeamSarah Yang

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The Best Hostess Gifts to Bring This Holiday Season
Sure, a bottle of wine will do, but why not get creative this year?
Aug 26, 2020
‘Younger’ Star Molly Bernard’s ‘Grown-up and Youthful’ Brooklyn Apartment
Name: Molly Bernard, girlfriend Hannah, and Henry (her eight-pound rescue mutt!) Location: Brooklyn, NYC Years lived in: Just a few months! Proud and terrified first time home-owner!
Apr 29, 2019
The Clever Product That Doubles My Suitcase Storage
This one’s dedicated to all of the over-packers out there. It is impossible for me to bring a carry-on for most trips—I’ll even budget for those dreaded checked bag fees when I’m planning my vacations. I’m always looking for ways to cut back—but I also have one trick that maximizes space, without losing any of my stuff (hey, there are worse vices). It’s these travel bags that I always have on hand for trips.
Sep 2, 2018
What 12 Designers Learned From Their Moms About Decorating
We turn to our moms for advice on just about anything—how to navigate our careers, deal with relationship issues, recreate our favorite childhood dish… the list goes on and on. As for me, I’ve even been known to ask my mom to help me choose a health insurance and 401(k) plan and I’m 29 years old. The point is, our moms have taught us a lot. In honor of Mother’s Day, we asked designers what their moms taught them about decorating.
May 13, 2018