Apartment Therapy Weekend Projects is a guided program designed to help you get the happy, healthy home you've always wanted, one weekend at a time. Sign up now for email updates so you never miss a lesson.

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This Weekend's Project:

The Easiest Houseplants to Propagate, According to Pros
What's better than one houseplant? A whole collection of them that you scored for free.
Jan 23, 2024

Catch Up on Past Assignments:

This Weekend: Mindlessly Refresh Your Living Room For Free
This is one of those chores that experts say to do once a year or so, and maybe even more frequently if you have kids and/or pets. It’s not hard, and requires almost no brain power, so your mind is free to gather wool while you work. And once this weekend’s project is done, your entire room will feel brand new again. First, Vacuum: Before you do the deep cleaning, do a pass with your vacuum first, getting rid of surface dirt.
Oct 13, 2022
This Weekend: Prepare to Cool Off & Cool Down
Summer will be here soon and temps are already rising all over the country. Judging by the number of people I saw in the fan and air conditioner aisle at Home Depot this past weekend, keeping your home (and yourself) cool is high on everyone’s priority list right now. If you don’t have an adequate number of cooling devices — get thee to the hardware store. If you do, it’s time to make sure they’re clean and ready to go.
Oct 13, 2022
This Weekend: Contend With (& Conquer) Your Bathroom Storage
Some storage spots are easier to ignore than others which means house clutter tends to accumulate and linger there far longer than it should. We give those spots the side eye (and ourselves a mental reprimand) every time we walk by, but we often need a nudge to actually deal with the trouble spot. Consider this post a friendly little prod in the direction of your bathroom sink, and all the stuff currently hiding beneath it.
Oct 13, 2022
This Weekend: Don’t Forget These Manageable Micro Zones
Are you just about to start your annual spring cleaning, poised to attack and refresh your entire home? We applaud your efforts! But if that’s not you, that’s okay too. Whether part of a bigger spring clean or on their own, concentrating on a few areas that are totally do-able, but equally worthy of attention this weekend will be worth it. Remember, it’s not about perfection. It’s about progress.
Oct 13, 2022
This Weekend: How Long Has It Been Since You Cleaned These Three Things?
There are the things you clean regularly, and then there are the things…you don’t. Sometimes it’s because you dread it, and something it’s because they just don’t need attention all that often. Either way, it’s got to get done sometime, and this weekend might be the perfect time. Consider this your friendly nudge and reminder.
Oct 13, 2022
This Weekend: Curb Your Home’s Worst Clutter Culprit
Even the cleanest and most organized homes can get cluttered and super overwhelming fast. Because there’s one thing that piles up faster than a shopping cart in the final minutes of Supermarket Sweep. Unless you’re ready, and keep on top of it every single day, you’ll soon be buried under a suffocating mountain of stuff. This weekend, take the time to conquer this particular mess, and feel lighter almost immediately. Tame the Mail Mountain: Has your mail taken over your life?
Oct 13, 2022
This Weekend, We’ll Get You One Step Closer to Catching Up on Housework
Apartment Therapy Weekend Projects is a guided program designed to help you get the happy, healthy home you’ve always wanted, one weekend at a time. Sign up now for email updates so you never miss a lesson. Is there such a thing as being caught up on housework? I never have been. Even if your weekly chores have been completed and the laundry monster mountain has been defeated, there’s probably something around the house that’s been bothering you to get it done.
Oct 13, 2022
This Weekend: Even If You’re Busy, It’s Time To Pile It On
Okay, so it’s the weekend and you’ve been busy — probably the last thing you feel like doing is cleaning and bringing in heavier bedding. We totally get it — but a clean bedroom and freshly layered bed create a domino effect whose benefits multiply. You’ll sleep better, and feel better getting up in the morning. All it takes is a little effort this weekend and you’ll be ready to reap the rewards. Go Clean Your Room!
Oct 11, 2022
This Weekend: Make a Few Minor Home Adjustments To Save Major Money
Streamline your home’s energy usage wherever you can? It’s a no brainer, for both your personal finances and for the common good. Simply unplug the vampire appliances sucking you dry, make little tweaks to your mindset, and get your home up to snuff. Just a few little improvements can really bring your numbers down and increase savings over time. Assess Your Home’s Situation: Get a handle on your home’s energy use, and identify what’s needlessly using up resources.
Oct 11, 2022
This Weekend: Tame These Tiny Troublemakers & Stop Swatting This Spring
Insects get antsy this season, bugging out over the warmer weather, and emerge from their winter hideouts eager for spring. You’re more apt to share space as they move around and seek out new homes for the season. Instead of warily eyeing them (bracing yourself for a sting or bite), stake your claim and prevent creepy crawlies from winning your turf war.
Oct 11, 2022
This Weekend: Replenish & Organize Your Supply of Household Cleaners
Spring cleaning is just around the corner. Rather than rallying the mental and physical energy to gather tools and make cleaners right before you start the actual cleaning, get everything ready to go beforehand and stored in the smart and sensible place. Having your supplies organized feels great and makes one less hurdle for you to climb before getting started.
Oct 11, 2022
This Weekend: Deal With These Three Trouble Spots in Your Kitchen
Even if you clean up every time you cook, there will always be food bits and residue — think crumbs and grease — that are pesky pros at working their dirty ways into every crevice and cranny in your kitchen, not to mention clinging stubbornly to surfaces. Even if things look clean overall, there are certain spots that are easily forgotten in the day to day. Zero in on these three spots and choose one (or more) to tackle this weekend.
Oct 11, 2022
This Weekend: Practice This Money-Saving Mindset & Reap Rewards for Years
We regularly share clever hacks and methods to make do with less. All that is well and good, but I keep returning to this one basic, everyday way to save hundreds — if not thousands — of dollars in the kitchen. And it’s so very simple. Clean Your Cookware: Help return your pots and pans to their former glory with these tips and techniques.
Sep 27, 2022
This Weekend: The Dreaded Task We All Have To Do Sooner or Later
This weekend, tackle one of your home's scariest spots.
Sep 27, 2022
This Weekend: Get This Room Ready For The Main Event
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and your kitchen is about to go through the cooking and cleaning equivalent of crossfit meets morning bootcamp meets spin class meets a marathon, all in the span of a couple of days. The whole holiday will go a lot smoother if you do a few things to help your space perform at its peak. Consider this your pre-holiday stretch before the big workout ahead. Make Your Fridge An Organized and Spacious Oasis of Calm: Your fridge is Ground Zero on Thanksgiving.
May 5, 2022
Weekend Projects: Try a Social Media Fast
Take a break — then tune into any differences in how you feel without social media in your daily life.
Jan 28, 2022
4 Tried-and-True DIY Cleaners Literally Anyone Can Make
Try making one of these super-simple formulas this weekend.
Jan 14, 2022
This 5-Minute Project Will Save Your Inbox (and May Also Save You Money)
Your inbox and your wallet will thank you.
Jan 7, 2022
Weekend Projects: Take One Concrete Step Toward a Goal
In order to build habits, you have to make them easy.
Dec 31, 2021
Weekend Projects: Leave a Sweet Note Somewhere for Yourself or a Family Member
We all deserve showers and sprinkles of love. This weekend's project is to spread some.
Dec 24, 2021
Weekend Projects: Do a Mini Fridge Cleanout
With holiday cooking just around the corner, it's time to take some mental notes about what you have and don't have in your refrigerator.
Dec 17, 2021
Weekend Projects: Deep Clean Your Toilets
Before entertaining kicks into high gear this year, devote some time to thoroughly cleaning your toilets.
Dec 10, 2021
Weekend Projects: Declutter an Area You Think Will Fill Up
It's all about being proactive and setting yourself up for success.
Dec 3, 2021
Now That Thanksgiving’s Behind Us, You Should Declutter One Kitchen Collection
Decluttering after something would have been used — but wasn't — is the best way to answer the question of whether you'll need something one day.
Nov 26, 2021