
An Industrial, NYC Lofts Small/Cool Space

Name: Manuel Librandi

Size: 860 sq ft

Home type: Condo

Location: Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires

Years lived in: 5 years, owned

Household: My partner, Javier, and our two dogs, Frida and Flap

Have any design professionals worked on this space: No

Describe your space:

It was a condo with two rooms + one common space + separated kitchen on the eighth and last floor. We decided to integrate the second room (which is now the dining area) and also the kitchen. We prioritized common areas in order to have more space for guests. We are convinced that not only the square feet matter, but also cubic feet. Having the same place with less walls would give a more spacious feeling. We both feel inspired by the NY lofts styles, also the industrial wooden/metal materials, and combined those with a lot of life with our plants and pets. Definitely our green terrace makes us proud.

Did you DIY anything in your space? And, if so, what's your favorite DIY?

Yes! Most of it. After we bought our place, we barely had [any] money to start the remodeling. So we started doing things ourselves. We tore down the walls, we fixed the floor to make it match between the rooms, we also sanded it after all the work was done. We bought a secondhand Salamander Stove online and painted it red (with painting for high temperatures), and an old cabinet for the kitchen appliances. We built the racks of the pantry and also the wooden planters from outside, the furniture where the TV and multimedia area [is], the kitchen cabinets and shelves.

What's your favorite product that you bought for your space and where did it come from?

We would say our Salamander Stove. We had it in mind for such a long time. They are usually made for burning wood, but this was already modified and had a gas stove inside. Perfect for someone who lives downtown in a city. We found it online one day after the owner had published it. He was from a city on the coast six hours away from us. Fortunately he had a friend coming to Buenos Aires the week after, so he delivered it. It was definitely for us! It was originally black and we found our way to make it red. Just the color we wanted.

What inspires you?

We are inspired by lofts, big spaces, and nature. We love having our plants, taking care of them. We also looked for a place where we could build our oasis in the middle of the city. We spend a lot of time outside. Javi works at the airport, and I'm a flight attendant. So we looked for a peaceful place where we could relax, and also enjoy with our loved ones.