They Woke Up Like This: Choosing the Perfect Guest Room Mattress

updated May 4, 2019
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We may not always want our houseguests to stay super-long, but we do want them to be comfortable (and think we’re amazing hosts) while they’re here. The best way to ensure your guests are rested and happy? Getting a mattress good enough to accommodate all kinds of sleepers. We teamed up with Value City Furniture and the sleep experts from The Cleveland Clinic to bring you these #flawless tips for choosing the right mattress for your guests.

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Know Your Guests

The first step, of course, is to decide whether you’ll want one bed or two. Think about your most frequent guests over the past year and decide what the best sleeping arrangement for them would be. If you’re looking for a flexible guest room and have the space, consider buying two twin beds and a mattress connector so you have the option of two twin beds or one king. If you typically have only one person stay over, maybe a full would be sufficient, and leave more space in the guest room for a seating area or desk.

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Find a Firm Middle-Ground

Best to take the Goldilocks approach when it comes to firmness: find a mattress that’s not too firm, not too soft but somewhere in between. In a 2013 survey commissioned by The Four Seasons (who, we assume, know a thing or two about guest comfort) half of the respondents expressed a preference for a medium mattress, while the minority requested soft or firm. We recommend using The Dream Big Mattress Shop’s 3-Step Process, which allows you to (1) choose your support, (2) choose your comfort and (3) meet your mattress matches.

Keep Your Own Preferences in Mind

Sometimes guest bedrooms come in handy for the whole family. Your guest bed can be a lifesaver for everything from coming down sick to coming home late from the office when you don’t want to disturb your partner’s sleep. Take the time to test out your guest mattress personally and make sure it’s a good fit for you as well.

Visit the Dream Big Mattress Shop for more healthy sleep tips and expert advice.

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(Image credit: Sponsored Post)