10 Things to Look For On Your Next Apartment Hunt (That You Haven’t Thought Of Yet)
Of the many things you might be on the lookout for when searching for your next apartment to live in — hardwood floors, big windows, a lot of space — don’t neglect the odd but useful items on this list. They might save you a lot of future pain and make sure you enjoy your next home!
We spotted these ideas from a thread on Reddit asking for what to look out for and what to asking when looking for an apartment. One user (DeaconNuno) compiled the best answers in one monster list of “Reddit’s 42 Rules of Apartment Rental.” We picked our favorite ten ideas that you may have never thought of below:
(Editor’s note: The link above we’re sending you to will have helpful information but might also have offensive language.)
- Check for cell reception.
- Check the water pressure on cold, on hot, on both, and how long it takes to get warm.
- Bring a socket tester and test all outlets. Also make sure there are enough outlets in each room, and enough 3-prong ones.
- Ask the neighbors what the worst part of the building, street, neighborhood is.
- Drive through the area during rush hour if commuting via car.
- Make sure there’s an Internet provider suitable to your preferences.
- Make sure the windows are double-paned/double-glazed and in good repair if the area is cold to avoid high heating bills. See if the windows open and close easily.
- Fill all sinks/tubs. Drain simultaneously and flush each toilet during.
- If surrounding places have belongings left sitting on the porches (toys, stoves, seating, decorations), it’s a good sign for little/no theft and a kid-friendly environment.
- Ask “What’s the average rental time for apartments in the building?” If people aren’t staying long, it’s a bad sign.
See more of Reddit’s 42 Rules of Apartment Rental for more tips on apartment hunting. What would you add to the list?