A 300-Square-Foot Minimal, Monochrome Loft Is Little but Lovely
Name: Francisco Arrechea Martinez
Location: Mar del Plata, Argentina
Size: 291 square feet
Years lived in: 2 years, owned
This loft, located in the city of Mar del Plata on the Argentine coast, is owned by Francisco Arrechea Martínez, a young fashion stylist. The architecture and interior design are by Paola and Natalia Benedetti. It is located on the top floor of a very old tower, reached by a three-floor walk-up.
The decor is inspired by modern New York City style and the simplicity of lofts, with well-defined functional areas. Initially, it was a classic studio with a bathroom and separate kitchen and the bedroom divided by cabinets that blocked all the light to the living area. The place was very dark, and the main purpose of the renovation was to increase the amount of natural light throughout.
The living room is defined by a rug and a corner armchair with two small side tables that allow versatility in use.
A closet that divided the space was removed and replaced with a black iron furniture piece with simple lines. The shelves can be adjusted for any storage need, currently functioning as a dressing room on one side and a library on the other.
With this addition, the living room and bedroom became independent areas, but light can still reach the entire space, making the environment feel more airy.
The starting point for all of the decor was actually the choice of colors: All white to accentuate the light and give a feeling of purity and peace…with some accents in black and different wood tones. All these neutral colors are present in the textiles on the bed, cushions, carpet and decorative objects, too; providing texture and warmth.
Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Nordic industrial style
The black and white art pieces around the space really cement the monochrome color palette: of different sizes, they give the space personality and create focal points. Some of them are displayed directly on the floor to avoid visual overload.
Any advice for creating a home you love? Do it with a lot of love and think about the functionality of each space
Thanks, Francisco!
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