A Bright and Colorful Home Full of Rental-Friendly DIY Fixes
Name: Maggie
Location: Sumter, South Carolina
In August of 2015 we moved across the ocean from our house in Germany to our South Carolina house. As a military family, this was our tenth move since getting married 18 years ago. Up until this point we had almost always bought homes when moving but we still own our house in Alabama so we decided to rent this time instead.
Being in a rental hard for me because I love doing the big, tear down walls, use the power tools type projects. This go-round I am tackling the cosmetics with lots of paint, fabric, lighting and budget friendly DIY projects that can be undone or taken with us when it is time to go.
It can often be discouraging to invest time and money into a house that is not your own but I feel like I am investing in my own comfort and enjoyment. It is always important for me to make a house my own even if it’s only for a little while. Have a look at what we’ve accomplished so far…
Thanks, Maggie!
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