A Bold Boston Rental Uses Color to Beat the Winter Blues
Name: Lindsey Daigle, husband, four kids, a dog, and a cat.
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Size: 1,800 square feet
Years lived in: 7 years, renting
We are a family of six: two boys and two girls, parented by Sam, who is an aircraft mechanic, and Lindsey who is a flight attendant who also co-owns a little curated boutique of women’s clothing called Kindred and Kin.
We live in Boston, in an old home that has been divided into three units. Boston can have very long gray winters, so decorating with color has been a remedy to beating the winter blues. It’s easy to lift your mood up when you’ve made little areas of your home feel like a space for dreamers.
When decorating, I always have the kids in mind. We want them to feel inspired. Inspired to play and to dream, as these are the only years of their life where they’ll be able to sit for prolonged periods of time in their imagination. We don’t want them to feel rushed out of childhood or as if they don’t have a place in every room in our house. Using pretty handmade toys as decor benefits all of us; they feel like their toys are important and we don’t mind looking at them.
Because we both work for the airline industry, we do an extensive amount of traveling throughout the year, as well as world schooling our children. Which is just a fancy way to say we home school while traveling, but using the world and its people, cultures, foods, museums, and variety of nature as the backbone for learning.
Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Whimsy, colorful and playful
Any advice for creating a home you love? My advice would be to look at each room as a blank canvas, and ask yourself, how do you paint the magic of your own soul into each of those spaces? Pick the few things that you love most and add them as many times as you can. For me that’s wallpaper, books, pretty children’s toys, and color. Instead of just having one space of my favorite things, my whole house is filled with them, and that makes me so happy to call this place home.
Thanks, Lindsey!
*This submission’s responses have been edited for length and clarity.
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