A Colorful Studio in San Francisco
Name: Adrianne
Location: Lower Pacific Heights — San Francisco, California
I was drawn to the apartment’s natural light and vintage touches, such as the 1926 ironing board that’s in the kitchen wall, or the onion shaped cutouts in the doorways and pass-through window. I was apprehensive to downsize at first – but once I started, I found myself surrounded by my most meaningful things and suddenly it became personal rather than visual. Everything fell into place from that point on.
My style is bright, eclectic, and warm and I’m inspired by color. I began decorating with a few core furniture items, including my red dresser and yellow sofa. These are loud pieces so I softened their impact with white accents. I’m obsessed with gold and found small ways to work it into the studio as an accent color. Lastly, I mixed patterns throughout – as long it was in the same color family, I went with it. I’m a visual designer by trade and color has always been my main source of inspiration so decorating my apartment was no exception!
Favorite pieces:
• Antique red dresser
• Vintage Martini Vermouth bottle that I salvaged from my great-grandmother’s now abandoned home in Italy
• Mid-century “bulbous” lamp, as I so affectionately call it
• My desk, which I made (with my dad’s help!) from attaching authentic vintage hairpin legs to an old door
• 1970s white coffee table, a Craigslist find!
I’m proud to call my apartment my sanctuary. The small size allowed me to pick and choose only the most important things to be on display. No matter what kind of day I have, I’m always excited, relieved and happy when I come home – it’s a calm I’ve not felt in any other space I’ve lived.
Thanks, Adrianne!
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