Apparently, Cleaning Can Give You an Adrenaline Rush
The idea of cleaning might seem daunting or like a drag, but once you actually do it, you’ll feel an adrenaline rush, the way you would after an intense workout, according to a new study.
Okay, so the study was conducted by Mr. Clean (along with market research company Ipsos), which naturally wants us to like cleaning so we’ll keep buying magic erasers in bulk. Still, the results are interesting.
The study, called the “Joy of Cleaning,” included a sample of 62 people between the ages of 25 and 45. In order to be part of the experiment at all, everyone had to have a neutral-to-positive attitude toward cleaning. During the experiment, the group answered survey questions about cleaning, participated in a couple of cleaning tasks, then answered another series of questions.
During the cleaning portion of the experiment, researchers collected biometric data from the participants, specifically galvanic skin response and heart rate, automatic bodily responses we can’t consciously control. “With changes in both being driven by factors such as emotional enthusiasm and excitement, Mr. Clean determined that the act of cleaning results in an adrenaline rush,” summarized Ipsos in a press release, “much like the feeling people have when watching a simulated, high-intensity activity or sporting event.”
Participants also shared positive feelings they experienced after cleaning:
“One hundred percent of study participants agreed that cleaning provides peace of mind and a sense of control over one’s environment, 82 percent liked to admire their work after a good clean, and 81 percent felt a sense of accomplishment when they finished the task. In fact, after cleaning, participants reported feeling more determined, inspired and proud and less jittery, nervous and hostile.”
As nervous and hostile as the thought of hand-washing a sink full of crusty dishes may make us feel, there’s no way out but through. On the other side, with a draining rack full of clean dishes, we’ll feel accomplished, proud, and at peace. We’re trusting you on this one, Mr. Clean.