Hollister & Porter’s Williamsburg Safari
Name: Hollister Hovey & Porter HoveyLocation: Williamsburg, BrooklynSize: 1,400 square feetYears lived in: rented, 4½: years A few misconceptions about the Hoveys. They are not big-game hunters from the 1930’s. They are sisters from Kansas City with the given names Hollister and Porter. They are not taxidermists. Hollister works in PR and Porter for a management consulting firm. They are not hoarders. They are collectors of awesomeness.
Mar 10, 2010
Ta Da! Turning Brass Into Silver
Although we’ve been hearing rumours that brass and bronze are back, many of us still prefer the clean cool look of silver. But, what if you fall in love with a bronze something? Now what? We found this tip that will turn your brass object into silver faster than you can say Abracadabra!According to this post we found on new blog The Modness (and Madness) of 9251, all it takes is a can of KleanStrip KS-3 Premium stripper.
Mar 10, 2010