Temporary Window Screens: Inexpensive & DIY
For the last several months my husband and I have had fans in our windows at all times. We had a hard time getting any breeze in them, but because the fans were in place, we hadn’t had a problem with bugs and mosquitoes coming in. As the temperatures dropped this past weekend, we removed the fans and all sorts of creepy crawly and flying friends came in, so it was time for some screens! Off to the hardware store we went!
Sep 27, 2010
Best Celebrity Chef Cookware
Celebrity chef cookware is semi-taboo territory for food writers (the cheese factor can be hard to ignore), but celebs can make good products. Bad HSN lines aside (I love Jamie Oliver, but his HSN collection is some of the junkiest stuff I’ve seen in a long time), some celebrity-endorsed products are worth checking out when you’re shopping for kitchen equipment.
Sep 27, 2010