Before & After: Adding Color and Texture to a Concrete Patio
Cindy and her husband loved the outdoor possibilities offered by their large patio, but didn’t love the boring grey expanse of concrete. With this shady spot offering a respite from soaring temperatures, Cindy knew she had to turn it into a more colorful, welcoming space for her family.After using a power washer to clean the patio furniture, she painted the metal chairs with brown spray paint to create some needed contrast.
Jul 13, 2012
Travel Guide Roundup
Whether you’re planning your far away vacation or your summer stay-cation, these guides will help you get from point A to point B and find some unique haunts along the way. • Travel Guide Roundup Apartment Therapy
Jul 13, 2012
Sharing Your Home on the Internet
Why are we compelled to invite thousands of strangers into our homes? And why do we feel so strongly about others’ homes, folks that we’ve never met and likely never will? • Sharing on the Internet Apartment Therapy
Jul 13, 2012