Cesar’s Colorful & Eclectic Aesthetic
Name: Cesar Location: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil It all started in my childhood. I was always in love with architecture, art and history, and consequently, I started collecting all sorts of objects. To me, they told a story and reminded me of specific times and aesthetics. Over time, this seemingly disjointed collection made sense, and I use it in my decor.
Jan 15, 2014
Before & After: A Pre-War Pad Gets Some Post-Modern Love
Architect Alexandria Barker began with this dark and dated pre-war apartment and transformed it into an open, loft-like space with modern detailing. Want to see it now? See more photos of this awesome space at Barker Freeman Design Office Thank you Alexandra!
Jan 15, 2014
DIY Project Idea: Paint Chip Art Canvas
This DIY art project comes to us from Allison at Simple Silver Linings, who wrote in to share this great idea for making your own custom canvas out of paint chips. It’s not terribly difficult and just requires some patience, a computer, and maybe a few trips to the paint department of your local home improvement store. Here’s how: Paint Chips – lots of paint chips!
Jan 15, 2014