Before & After: Gossip Bench Breakdown
Carithanne says, “Who knows how long this chair sat abandoned in a forgotten basement before my dad rescued it for our next restoration project?” This particular piece was extra exciting because of its classic mid-century design, complete with a production date on the bottom from 1953! The upholstery needed a total overhaul after more than 60 years, but this piece had solid maple bones just waiting for the right person to come along and give it some TLC.
Mar 11, 2014
Jane’s Patterned Family Pad in London
Name: Jane and Alex Bonsor, and children Cosmo, Hope and Albert Location: Notting Hill, London, United Kingdom Size: 2,600 square feet Years lived in: 2 years; Owned A black-and-white-tiled entrance is typical of many houses in London, and a charming design signature of this city. In the case of Jane Bonsor’s Notting Hill home, however, it also gives a clue as to what you’ll find inside: a whole lot of bold pattern. You might remember Jane’s home from her recent House Call.
Mar 11, 2014
Before & After: It’s All About the Details in this Kitchen Makeover
Kimberly of Swoonworthy and her partner Wayne did a great job renovating their old kitchen, but Kimberly wasn’t entirely happy with the results. She is a girl who requires more drama from her interiors. A couple of simple DIY projects later, she’s added some glitz and glamor to this space. And here it is, in all its sparkling glory.
Mar 11, 2014