A How-To For Homemade Herbal Baby Powder
(Image credit: Quentin Bacon) From The Kitchn → An Easy Recipe for Homemade Herbal Baby Powder
Apr 12, 2016
Is It My Imagination, Or Is My Rent Really High?
If the concept of rent being no more than 30% of your take-home (after tax) pay seems about as realistic as purple unicorns, you might be wondering why rent is so high anyway. In 2015, 11.8 million U.S. households spent half or more of their income on rent, and this figure is projected to increase, according to the Enterprise Resource Center and the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies.
Apr 12, 2016
Before & After: Super Smart Storage Makeover
It is so easy to fall into our home routines. In no time our placeholder basket becomes our throw-everything-here-I-promise-I’ll-get-to-it-later basket. Jane got herself out a storage rut with some simple and smart choices. From Jane: One of my favorite unexpected parts of the IKEA Home Tour renovation was my entryway! Unexpected because I didn’t think there was a solution for my small nonexistent entryway that was a complete mess.
Apr 12, 2016
Win: A Custom Gallery Wall from Framebridge!
Prize: A Custom Gallery Wall Total Value: $1000 From: Framebridge Have a few… or a hundred frame-worthy photos saved on your phone? Yeah, us too. From maps and vintage photographs to art prints and Instagrams, we’re all guilty of saving things that should already be hung on our walls. Framebridge is the simplest way to get great custom frames at a seriously reasonable price.
Apr 12, 2016
Upgrade Kitchen Cabinets with This Easy Painted Pattern
Not everyone has the DIY skills (or energy or time) to paint elaborate patterns. Thankfully there’s a paint pattern trending, and it’s easy to do, can be done in any color, and helps both beautify and conceal.
Apr 12, 2016
30 Recipes Every 30 Year Old Should Master
(Image credit: Leela Cyd) From The Kitchn → 30 Recipes You Should Know By the Age of 30
Apr 12, 2016