Kristiana’s Fun & Functional Montreal Loft
Name: Kristiana Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada I live in a teeny, tiny 502 square foot loft in the St-Henri neighbourhood of Montreal. My building, which used to be a tobacco factory, is almost 100 years old. While living downtown is certainly convenient, small space living definitely has some challenges! My interior style is all about being functional in my small space. I’ve taken advantage of the walls as much as possible, and created storage where I had none.
Apr 23, 2016
Tour Gorgeous Style From Around the Globe…Without Ever Leaving Home
It’s not just famous buildings and landmarks that make seeing parts of the world so interesting; it’s getting to experience the style that exudes from homes of real people, too. Inside, find a collection of gorgeous glimpses of homes from around the world. From France to England to Australia to Morocco, we’ve had the pleasure of bringing you house tours from many corners of the globe.
Apr 23, 2016
Tips for Keeping Feline Friends Off Kitchen Counters
An all-too-familiar scenario: Your beloved cat does its business in the litter box, licks itself a bit, and then proceeds to hop up on the kitchen counters right where you’re preparing dinner.
Apr 23, 2016