This 2-in-1 Clock Meets Emergency Kit Could Save Your Life
We’d be hard-pressed to think of a more thoughtful two-in-one design than this clever clock-emergency kit combo from Seoul design firm SWNA. Fittingly named the Life Clock, the eye-catching timekeeper comes equipped with a set of tools that are specifically tailored for use in case of a natural disaster.
Dec 17, 2017
Watch This Kid Kiteboard with an IKEA FRAKTA Bag
This is the year IKEA’s iconic FRAKTA bag got pushed to the limits, and we thought we’d seen everything it can do. Apparently not, because the blue bag can double as sporting equipment. IKEA Hackers shared a video of a six year old kid kiteboarding using the blue bag. If that’s not the hardest working bag in the world, we don’t know what is. Young Frederick wanted to kiteboard, and dad Soren grabbed him a FRAKTA.
Dec 17, 2017