Joanna Gaines Has a Smart Tip For Dealing With Sentimental Clutter
She's been cleaning out her attic on Instagram.
Dec 30, 2017
Our Best Closet Cleaning Advice Of All Time
The New Year is right around the corner, and with it comes a new burst of energy that makes people want to roll up their sleeves and organize their lives. And what better place to start than our over-stuffed, bursting-at-the-seems, stress-inducing, messy closets? If you’re getting stress sweats just thinking about your own wardrobe, stick around. Ahead is a roundup of our (*picks up megaphone*) best closet cleaning advice of all time! Let’s tackle this together.
Dec 30, 2017
The Reason The Queen Keeps Certain Photos on Her Desk
When Queen Elizabeth II sits down to make her annual holiday address to TV cameras, she takes a cue from her lively collection of family photographs on her desk. Turns out, she’s not playing favorites with the photos that are displayed. According to people.
Dec 30, 2017