Our TeamAnjali Prasertong

Anjali Prasertong

About Me

Anjali Prasertong is a writer and public health dietitian focused on food systems, racial equity, and nutrition. Originally from Los Angeles, she has taught English in rural Japan, worked as a private chef in Malibu, and led an innovative city-funded corner store program in New Orleans that increased fresh food access in low-income neighborhoods. She was previously a contributing editor for The Kitchn, and currently lives in Denver with her husband and two kids.

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Why I Made a Shopping List Template (Organized by My Trader Joe’s Layout)
For quite a while, I was a huge fan of grocery list apps—they save paper, make it easy to add items as soon as you remember them, and are simple to share with other household members. But at a certain point I realized one unavoidable fact: I hate fiddling with and staring at my phone while I shop. So I gave up my high-tech habits and returned to the low-fi, totally nerdy grocery list template I created during my pre-smartphone days. And you know what? It’s awesome.
Sep 10, 2018