Our TeamKaris Danish

About Me

Karis is a native Texan living NYC, an actor, a dreamer, and a side-job scheamer. Cause making your way in the world today takes everything ya got!

Latest Stories

The Founder of Madame de la Maison Has the Perfect Parisian Rental
House Tour
Madame de la Maison’s founder Ajiri Aki has been renting this gorgeous apartment in a 19th-century Haussmannian building in Paris’ 11th arrondissement for 12 years.
Aug 3, 2023
Do You Want to Be Featured on Apartment Therapy? Let Us Know!
If you love reading Apartment Therapy, you’ll want to hear this. We’re gearing up for a few new videos at Apartment Therapy and our sister site Kitchn and we’d love to hear from you—on camera! Do you love the spotlight and all things home-related? If so, this might be your big opportunity, and we want to work with you! We are looking for readers in the New York City area who are interested in being featured in our upcoming series.
Nov 7, 2018
How I Found the Window Treatments for Apartment Therapy’s HQ
This year at Apartment Therapy, we expanded our growing offices into a new space. As project manager for the job, I oversaw everything from getting the lease signed to getting the gas turned on in our new studio kitchen. My very last step was to find and order the window treatments. A minor detail, I thought, until we started working in shadeless offices. Turns out, it’s anything but.
Dec 15, 2017