Before & After: A Brassy to Classy Lamp Re-do
When Alissa received this lamp as a hand-me-down from her grandparents, she loved the shape but not the dated brassy finish. Spray paint and a little imagination to the rescue!
I see what Alissa means about the shape of this lamp — now that it’s painted! I admit that I was too distracted by the old brassy finish on the lamp to appreciate its finer qualities! Now that its been painted white I love it — especially that tall finial!
Of course, the lamp got more than just a coat of paint. Alissa also gave the lampshade a facelift. With a little tracing paper, fabric, and spray adhesive, Alissa was able to transform the old shade into a perfect topper for the newly handsome lamp.
Alissa blogged about the lamp project, including a wonderful little tutorial on recovering a lampsahde with fabric, on her blog: 33 Shades of Green.
Images: 33 Shades of Green