Before and After: This Studio Apartment Refresh Helped a Savvy DIYer Save on Rent
When Eric Skyta first toured his San Francisco studio apartment, he saw a messy, outdated space filled with warped linoleum floors and peeling paint.
But he says he saw something else, too: potential.
So Eric did something really smart: “I decided to make a change by working a deal with my landlord that I would lease the apartment, be his property manager, and renovate the apartment to get money taken off my rent,” he says. “It was a win for everyone!”
Over the course of two weeks after work and on weekends, and with $2,500, Eric gave the whole studio a makeover.
“I love the open shelving in the kitchen and the organization,” he says. “In a studio, everything must have a place, but you can make it look like part of the design.”
To anyone else seeking a rental home in an expensive city like San Francisco, Eric says it’s all about putting yourself out there. “It may be tough to find a way to create a unique space,” he says. “My advice is hustle and talk to as many people as possible, and eventually an opportunity will arise.”
Great job, Eric! Inspired? Show us your project here.