I Discovered the “Birthday Cleaning” Method, and It’s Been a Game-Changer
While I’ve always appreciated and understood spring cleaning, I’ve always enjoyed getting a bit ahead of it. The springtime is lovely, but with it comes allergies (both inside and outside of the house), excess dust (from opening the windows to let the temperate weather in), and maybe some unexpected warmth that can make cleaning a little physically unpleasant.
For these and other reasons, I’ve always done my spring cleaning much earlier — and thankfully, that coincides with my birthday. I have found that the week of my birthday, which is February 4, is the best time to do some preemptive spring cleaning.
I call it the “birthday cleaning” method, and my goal is simple: I clean as if I’m hosting a party. Whether or not I’m actually having one is irrelevant, however. Because February is still chilly and the days are still relatively short, I don’t get as sweaty as I would during an April or May cleaning, and the daylight burning also allows me to work faster and more efficiently.
This is particularly helpful for the more laborious bi-annual tasks like deep cleaning the oven, doing some upholstery cleaning, and clearing out the air vents. I also take the opportunity to implement more spring-friendly scents into my home and start saying goodbye to winter.
Ultimately, my favorite part about my birthday cleaning method is decluttering my closet and drawers, where I inevitably stumble upon a T-shirt I thought I donated or old birthday cards from my loved ones. Each find is a small birthday treat that further proves this method is the ultimate gift to myself.
While my birthday cleaning method is a more convenient pre-spring cleaning method for those whose birthdays are between January and early March, the goal of cleaning as if you’re hosting a birthday party applies all year long.
For anyone who struggles with the stress that clutter and mess brings, especially before your big day, this birthday cleaning method is a perfect way to rearrange the focus of these arduous chores to a happy and significant moment. Once you’re done, you’ll get to sit back, relax, and enjoy your sparkling space — party not required!