This Atlanta Home Is Big, Bold, Bright, and Filled with Art and Color
Name: Paola Roder, my husband, and our two furry kids
Location: Johns Creek/Alpharetta — Atlanta, Georgia. The houses around here in the neighborhood were built in 1970; a lot of the them resemble Frank Lloyd Wright designs.
Type of home: Single free-standing house
Size: 2,800 square feet
Years lived in: 5 months, owned
Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: We are a family of four! Two Goldendoodle dogs, my husband Jeff who works in finance, and myself, a retired graphic designer who has been enjoying the interior decor world the past two months. I like using the house as a canvas since I don’t enjoy the rush of the advertising business anymore. The house was built in the late 1970s and it is in suburban Atlanta. We are on the edge of wilderness and have seen deer, coyotes, and foxes in the yard but like a little less than a mile away, you have the feel of the suburbs.
The house was remodeled by the previous owners around five years ago; it still has most of the original details, especially upstairs, but the downstairs had some new additions like bigger windows that get the sunlight throughout the house. We know the stairs were moved to create better space by the entrance, recessed lighting was added, and special art gallery lighting as well. The house kind of has an art gallery feeling.
Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Bright, bold, and colorful.
How long have you lived here? Almost five months.
What is your favorite room and why? We like them all, but if we have to choose we’d say it’s the living/dining room area. It flows well, with architectural lines, high ceilings, colors, and brightness. We love how we have applied the primary colors throughout the area in a fun, funky way.
If you could magically change something about your home, what would it be? We were used to basements in our previous homes (I have moved three times and Jeff my husband has moved six times) so we would love to have a basement!
This is the view of our dining room from the second floor.
Any advice for creating a home you love? It’s all a personal preference, just be yourself and follow your heart when decorating. Don’t follow trends for the sake of decor; use them, but always keep your originality!
This submission’s responses were edited for length and clarity.