Wallpaper Made by Kids and a Hidden TV in a Bold Brooklyn Reno
Name: David Shade, wife Lindsay Key and two small children, Zev, almost four, and Frieda, a year and a half.
Location: Bed Stuy, Brooklyn
Size: 2,100 square feet
Years lived in: 4 years, owned
Lindsay and I have an interior design firm, Key + Shade, on the third floor of our home. We love to cook, eat, entertain, make art, and garden. I am a bit of a neat freak and we never have enough storage, so we built closets and cabinetry to clear the clutter. Our kitchen opens right out to the backyard and the kids can run out when the weather is nice.
Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Organized and kid-friendly.
What is your favorite room and why? The downstairs where we really live. We all hang out together while I am cooking or the kids are playing.
If you could magically change something about your home, what would it be? We should have replaced the floors.
Which fictional character would be most at home in your place? Jeff Lebowski because we too have a rug that pulls the room together.
Any advice for creating a home you love? We lived in the space for over a year before making any permanent decisions. It helped us understand how we actually use our home.
Thanks, David and Lindsay!
*This submission’s responses were edited for clarity and length.