Before and After: An Impressive 100% DIY Kitchen Makeover for Only $1300
A quick glance at this photo might yield the following evaluation: great windows, beautiful wood floors, overall very nice (if a bit yellow)—it could perhaps use some flair. Reader Anne is here to set us straight on the fact that this kitchen needs a bit more than just a quick coat of paint…
Here’s what the kitchen was really like:
Yellow walls, shabby original floorboards which were impossible to clean, half-done tile job by previous owner!
The dining kitchen is my favorite room in the flat and it needed a quick and cheap upgrade. We loved the original floorboards but unfortunately they were in such bad condition that they couldn’t be salvaged.
That’s so sad! Hardwood floors are so precious to find in the wild—it must have been quite sad to realize they couldn’t be saved.
This is freaking delightful. Everything about it is charming—the darling stove, the tile reminiscent of vintage wallpaper, the cheerful blue cabinetry, the sweet accessories, the perfect breakfast spot—but the black floor keeps it from feeling twee. The dramatic floor (it’s click-tile!) doesn’t stand out awkwardly, however, thanks to the black chandelier, oven doors, and wall tiles. My favorite thing about this renovation is everything, but Anne’s favorite aspect is simpler:
It’s less yellow! When we moved in, every room was a different shade of yellow.
I will never cease to be fascinated by Other People’s Paint Choices and I’ve seen some doozies, but many different yellows is a new one. All I can say is why?
This is such an interesting space: was it intended as a dining nook, or was it originally a closet or pantry? It seems like exactly the wrong size to do anything with, but Anne has more vision . . .
Turns out the nook is absolutely perfect for a table and two benches! I love that the dining area is separate from the rest of the house—it’s got the secluded and cozy feel of a coveted booth at a favorite restaurant, all without leaving the house.
I was super-impressed by this renovation, and I’m even more so knowing Anne did almost all of the work, with an assist from dad:
Everything done was quick and relatively simple—painted the cupboards, laid the click tile floor, new light fixture and a table made by my dad for the new dining nook. We did everything ourselves except the wall tiles. Total cost around £900 [$1,270].
That seems like a very, very low price for a makeover this dramatic and . . . intentional. Nothing feels like it was chosen for the sake of economy, everything appears to have been selected simply because it’s beautiful and appropriate.
If you ever submit a Before and After, please know that a close-up like this is always appreciated. Even in the wide shot it was clear that this tile was something special, but this photo reveals its intricate beauty and perfect imperfections. And the teeny cacti are too cute to deal with!
Thank you, Anne!