Find Out If You Can Afford to Be A Digital Nomad With This New Tool
The rise of remote work means that where many people live isn’t dictated by office locations or commute times anymore. Instead, many Americans have packed their bags and opted to spend time overseas — and plenty of countries want to woo them, in hopes of boosting their local economies during the ongoing pandemic. From Croatia to Costa Rica, at least 30 countries have launched some kind of visa tailored to remote workers.
But just because you can work anywhere doesn’t mean you can necessarily afford to work anywhere. If you’re serious about pursuing a digital nomad visa, it’s important to make sure you meet the minimum income requirements in your country of choice.
To help make aspiring digital nomads’ lives easier, the travel bloggers behind Goats on the Road created their own Digital Nomad Visa Calculator, where you can input your salary and find out which countries you can afford to live in based on each country’s visa requirements.
Goats on the Road discovered that Colombia, Germany, and Portugal have the lowest monthly earning requirements for visa applicants. In these three countries, you can make less than $1,000 per month and still qualify for a digital nomad visa. Other countries — like the Czech Republic, Mauritius, and Georgia — have no monthly income requirements, while many more — including Argentina and Spain — are currently in the process of creating digital nomad visas.
Digital nomad visas typically allow workers to stay longer in their country of choice than they would be able to on a tourist visa. These visas typically last up to one year, and, in most cases, you won’t have to pay income taxes while you’re there. Some countries, such as Mexico, even allow digital nomads to open a bank account and purchase a registered vehicle during their time there.