This DIYed House is Filled with the Coziest Nooks Ever
Name: Rebecque Asher, husband, dog, and cat
Location: Columbia neighborhood — Bellingham, Washington
Size: Less than 1,000 square feet
Years lived in: 7 years, owned
We are first-time home owners in Bellingham, Washington. We live a five-minute drive away from the ocean. We were able to buy our small, historic house (built in 1904) through a local organization called Kulshan Community Land Trust. They help low-income families achieve the dream of home ownership in our community. A few years ago, we received a full grant from Kulshan CLT for solar panels—reducing our electric bill to almost nothing (while generating solar incentive revenue that is used to assist other low-income families purchase their first home.)
Over the years, we have been making improvements to the house with our budding DIY design and building skills. I am an illustrator/graphic designer and my husband is a writer. We share the house with our cat and dog.
Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: historic, compact, and energy-efficient Craftsman
What is your favorite room and why? The kitchen and dining room are the heart of our home. The kitchen features an original (defunct) brick fireplace that extends into the finished attic space and our dining room features our built-in table seating with hidden storage. Very cozy.
If you could magically change something about your home, what would it be? Adding a second bathroom upstairs (to complete our master bedroom.)
What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home? We do a lot of DIY projects for our home. The last thing we made was the additional counter space for our kitchen. It features a butcher block-style counter, shelving for cookbooks, and a pet feeding area with built-in bowls.
Any advice for creating a home you love? Create some of your own art and build your own things to feature in the home. Even if they’re not perfect, they express your personality.
Thanks, Rebecque!
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