Transform Your Home Office with FlexJobs’ $1800 Giveaway
Whether you’re still working from home Mon. through Fri. or are embracing the hybrid working lifestyle, you may have started to feel a little uninspired by your work from home space. Or, you might not have a set work area at all, bouncing around from room-to-room every hour or so. As someone who works for home full-time and started to do so just before the COVID-19 pandemic told hold, I know all too well the struggles of staying inspired while working from home in a small space.
For those who are on the hunt for a new flexible career, FlexJobs is giving away a work from home bundle that’s worth $1800. From furniture and accessories to workout gear and expert advice, the prize includes everything you need to help you get motivated and to give your home office a new lease of life.
One lucky person will win the grand prize of a $1000 Amazon gift card to put towards a home office makeover, one FlexiSpot bike desk or one E9 standing desk (valued at up to $500), FlexJobs career coaching and resume bundle (valued at $239), and a FlexJobs one-year membership.
Two runners up will win a FlexJobs career package, valued at $280, and including the FlexJobs career coaching and resume bundle and a FlexJobs one-year membership.
To be in a chance of winning, all you have to do is head to the FlexJobs website and answer one simple question: How would you spend $1,000 on your dream home office?
Fill out the entry form between now and June 30 to enter the draw to win one of the three fantastic prizes. Winners will be chosen at random and will be notified shortly after the closing date. Note: entrants must be 18 or older and must be a U.S. resident.
Good luck!