These Are the Most Popular ‘Game of Thrones’ Houses by State

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Tara BellucciNews and Culture Director
Tara BellucciNews and Culture Director
Tara is Apartment Therapy's News & Culture Director. When not scrolling through Instagram double-tapping pet pics and astrology memes, you'll find her thrift shopping around Boston, kayaking on the Charles, and trying not to buy more plants.
updated May 16, 2019
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Credit: HBO

At the onset of the final season of “Game of Thrones,” Joybird created a quiz so that you could finally figure out which of the nine main family houses—Stark, Targaryen, Lannister, Tully, Tyrell, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Arryn, and Martell—you belonged to.

Are you a ruler who craves power or the love of your people? Would you be loyal to your friend no matter what, or ask questions before sticking your neck out for them? What’s your stance on using giant scaled beasts to raze entire cities? Okay, that last one wasn’t on the quiz, but you should definitely think about that before you pledge allegiance to a house. The quiz used the Myers-Briggs personality test as a reference point and asked questions based on the fundamental values of each “Game of Thrones” house in order to determine which House banners you should be waving at your viewing parties this season.

Now as the season finale is airing tonight, and after almost 40,000 people have taken the journey to discover where in Westeros their heart truly lies, Joybird has found some interesting patterns within the results and are sharing them with some handy interactive infographics over on their site.

When all was said and done—fans from 133 countries took this quiz—the majority of people landed in House Targaryen (77 out of the 133 countries had Targaryen as their most common house). Seeing as how many Targaryens end up going mad, this might explain a few things. Like high heels over five inches or selfie sticks. And this is coming from a person who took the quiz several times in hopes of landing in Winterfell with the Starks, but repeatedly was placed with our dragon friends. We are who we are! Although, not many people are Greyjoys, it seems—only about 250 in total were placed into the House that rules the Iron Islands. Stay strong, guys—what is dead may never die!

The breakdown of quiz results since it launched in April also includes maps so that you can see where certain houses are concentrated both in the United States and internationally, in case you’d like to make a pilgrimage to find other like-minded GoT fans. Again, that won’t be hard if you’re in House Targaryen, since every state in the U.S. had the House of “Fire and Blood” as its most common house, with the exception of Alaska, where House Tully took the top spot.

If you haven’t yet taken the quiz, it’s still available on Joybird’s blog, and if you already know where you belong in the Seven Kingdoms, go forth and find your brethren here.