Your Phone Screen Is Gross, but This Handy Screen Cleaner Will Get Rid of Germs ASAP
We don’t mean to be dramatic, but you should probably clean your phone screen right now. Scientists at the University of Arizona found that cell phones carry 10 times more bacteria than most toilet seats. How is that possible? It simply doesn’t occur to many people that phone screens need to be cleaned in the first place, but they do. Coupled with the fact that we take our phones everywhere and don’t wash our hands before using them, they’re about due for a good scrub. Fortunately, we found just the thing to get the job done.
Forget cleaning wipes, ditch the dirty cloths, and don’t even THINK about cleaning your screens with hand sanitizer. Instead, pick up the HÄNS Swipe – Clean Screen Cleaner. It’s an easy-to-use stick that fits in the palm of your hand and will deep clean all of your screens in just a few swipes.
The HÄNS Swipe – Clean stick has two sides: one for cleaning and one for polishing. The cleaning side dispenses the cleaning solution to break apart grease and grime, while the polishing side offers a smooth finish.
It’s antimicrobial, so you can clean your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer, and other devices without the use of harsh chemicals. Every stick will last hundreds of cleans, and when you run out, you can easily refill it and start again. Plus, it’s small, so you can keep one at your desk, one in your purse, and one in your laptop bag. When you get the feeling that your screen needs a quick clean, you’ll always have a stick on hand.
Want to do away with all the fingerprints and makeup residue on your phone screen? Swipe. Need to wipe away germs after your kids have screen time? Swipe. Own a small business and need to keep your tablet clean for customers who are using it to check out? Swipe, swipe, swipe.
“This worked so much better than I expected!” one review reads. “It cleans the phone screen better than ever and with little effort. It’s also weirdly satisfying to use—it gets the screen SO clean SO quickly it’s actually enjoyable.”
Once you have the HÄNS Swipe – Clean, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.