Before & After: Old Framed Prints Turned Modern Art
Walk into any thrift store and you are sure to find framed art prints in all shapes and sizes. While the picture frames section has never been the first area I hit, it will be now thanks to this fresh idea from Tyler of PLASTOLUX. George has never looked so modern.
Tyler picked up this framed print of George Washington at a local thrift. He brought it home and – in one easy step – transformed George from ordinary to extraordinary. His painted frame compliments the subject on so many levels.
This is a really clever project that’s great not only for thrifted pieces, but also for those pieces lying around your house that might otherwise be heading for a date with the local donation bin. Before you donate that old print or pass up that nice frame at the thrift, grab some craft paint and play around.
Read More: Read the full story on Thrifting With George at PLASTOLUX.