I Tested Instant Pot’s Coffee Maker (and Milk Frother) — Here’s My Honest Review

Written by

Riddley Gemperlein-Schirm
Riddley Gemperlein-Schirm
Riddley Gemperlein-Schirm was the Tools Editor at The Kitchn. A professional kitchen equipment tester, she's worked for America's Test Kitchen, EatingWell, and Food52. Her goal: to find the best gear for your kitchen so you don't waste time or money on anything else. She lives…read more
updated May 14, 2021
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Credit: Courtesy of Wal-Mart

I owned a Keurig throughout college. It traveled with me from my dorm room to the off-campus house my roommate and I shared. When I graduated, my sister took the Keurig, and I moved on to a French press, which served me well until I found my current Technivorm coffee maker.

While the environmental impact of K-Cups is not to be understated (I still feel bad about the number of them I burned through), I did enjoy the convenience of the Keurig. Pop a pod in, press a button, and you have caffeine — that’s what keeps all Keurig enthusiasts coming back! And then there’s Nespresso, which does the same thing as the Keurig, but with espresso, as its name suggests.

If you’re looking to buy either one of these machines, you probably have a preference between drip coffee and espresso drinks. But, what if you didn’t? What if you wanted a machine that had the capabilities of making both? That’s where the Instant Pod Coffee Maker comes in.

This machine, from Instant Pot, accepts K-Cups, reusable K-Cups (like this), and Nespresso-style capsules (regular and reusable). It can brew 8-, 10-, and 12-ounce cups of coffee and 2-, 4-, and 6-ounce shots of espresso. And then there’s the Instant Pod Milk Frother! It’s sold separately (like Nespresso’s milk frother), but it’s a good complement to the kind of lattes, cappuccinos, and macchiatos you could make with the Instant Pod Coffee Maker’s espresso.

Of course, you’re curious about how these both work. And so was I! So, I got the machine and the frother and used them for a couple of months. I also had my husband, my sister, and my dad use both for their daily coffees and lattes and report back with their thoughts. (We’ve all been quarantine pod-ing since COVID started.) Here’s my (our!) honest review.

Credit: Riddley Gemperlein-Schirm
The Instant Pod Coffee Maker in action.

The Drinks

I tried the machine with compostable K-Cups, a reusable K-Cup filled with freshly ground coffee, and Nespresso pods. The coffee and espresso the Instant Pod made were fine! They weren’t as high quality as (and were more watery-tasting than) what you get from top-of-the-line coffee and espresso machines. However, as with most things in life, you’ve gotta appreciate the Instant Pod for what is, which is a $120 machine that does a good job. It’s also about $60 less than the only other coffee-espresso pod machine I know of, the Nespresso Vertuo (and, for what it’s worth, Wirecutter found the espresso this model made to be “unpleasant”).

However, I think the milk frother is the real star of the show. It frothed both cold milk (for iced lattes) and hot milk (for hot lattes and cappuccinos) well. And I was especially impressed by how it frothed non-dairy milk. I tried almond milk and oat milk in it. Historically, I haven’t had much success frothing these — even with my fancy espresso machine’s steamer wand — but the Instant Pot Milk Frother worked like a charm. My sister got in the habit of adding vanilla syrup to the pre-frothed milk for vanilla lattes.

The company says it also works well for heating up hot chocolate and even Bulletproof coffee, but I haven’t tried these yet. However, for $30 I think this is an excellent price for a handy and effective frother.

Credit: Riddley Gemperlein-Schirm
Frothy non-dairy milk!

How Easy Were They to Use?

The control panel for the Instant Pod is located at the top of the machine’s lid. The buttons have touch sensors and are activated by double-tapping them with your finger. This was tricky at first, and because the buttons were concave, I often felt myself wanting to press and hold them down instead of a tap. The lid was also tricky. It felt like you had to force it shut, and my husband even said he felt like he was “breaking the machine.” However! It did not break — and there were design features I really liked about it.

The water reservoir was really easy to remove and reinstall for refilling purposes, and the used espresso pods dropped back down into a removable container that was simple to take out when it came time to throw them all away. The machine also had a tray that flipped down about midway on the machine, which was helpful when I was just making a single shot of espresso and wanted to use a smaller cup.

As for the milk frother, it was easy to toggle between the cold and hot froth settings. I also liked that the lid was removable for simple cleanup.

The Bottom Line

The Instant Pod Coffee Maker is, overall, successful at what it does. And if you want a pod coffee brewer and espresso machine that would take up less space than getting both a Keurig and a Nespresso (and cost you a lot less), I think you’ll be very happy with it. As for the milk frother? That’s a no-brainer purchase for those looking to make lattes, cappuccinos, and more at home — and at a decent price point.

Buy: Instant Pod Coffee Maker, $99 (normally $119), and Instant Pod Milk Frother, $29.92