Jeremy & David’s Design Lovers’ Den
Name: Jeremy & David
Location: San Rafael, CA
David and I (Jeremy) are a couple who recently purchased a 954 square foot, two bed – two bath condo in beautiful Marin County (twenty minutes North of “quirky” San Francisco) to be closer to our families. Both David and I are lovers of of design…
David, an avid food photographer who plays with the enticing colors of the culinary world depicts his own love for interior design with an eclectic taste for splashes of color on a monotone setting. I, Jeremy, a graphic designer for a high end property marketing firm meddles in the world of making blank space homes into actual “homes”, my taste is that of contemporary practicality, merging what is new with what is present through flawless introductions of specific colors and angles, making the living spaces perfect for either the busy bees or the lazy seas. Our home, in which I label as “Black & White Miscellaneous” plays with the tight restrictions of a two-tone world with bright colored accents to allow excuses for a more wonderfully appropriate pixelized environment.
Thanks, Jeremy & David!
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