Julie’s Black, White & Green Home
Name: Julie
Location: Palmerston North, New Zealand
I absolutely love my home. After traveling around the world with hubby and two small kids and living in Ireland and England we moved back to my hometown into this cute little 1920s art deco home. It’s little at only 140 square meters (1500 square feet), IT WORKS PERFECTLY for our growing family and everyone has their own space. It’s also a sun trap and cosy in winter with our wood burner.
I think we have now altered, painted, or restored every room in the house, and have just finished a year long renovation of kitchen, bathroom, laundry, ensuite and second bedroom. It has been a labour of love and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
I worked as a florist overseas and fell in love with green foliage against a green backdrop, hence my green house color. My home is tucked below the road slightly and it feels like an oasis protected from the street!
Favorites….My black lounge with family heirloom black chesterfield sofa and white china swans from Iconic New Zealand brand, Crown Lynn. My grandparent’s clock which they received in the 1920s as a wedding gift, and the yacht my daughter made me when she was 12! My bespoke kitchen worktops and new black glass appliances. My reclaimed and repainted cast iron bath! Oh and my new inbuilt bespoke laundry surround that matches my kitchen worktops, my original Rimu wooden floor with its marks and dents showing its life……..all my black and white, my favorite colors, with lashings of vintage, reclaimed, and family pieces all with the occasional new piece I can’t resist! If I could I would go on and on.
This home with all its black and white and green is just me! People come in and say how absolutely this house fits me. I’m always moving things around, changing things and fluffing my nest! It’s not unusual for my husband to come home from work and find I’ve changed the bedroom around and he can’t find the bed in the dark!
It is my nest, a building I love and the home I have made for my family. My 86 years young Mum is about to move in too – all my favorite things, belongings, and especially people in a little green house! (with a dash of black and white)
Thanks, Julie!
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